Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Start Free-Motion Quilting - My Craftsy Class!!

Start Free-Motion Quilting

The day is finally here - my Craftsy class is officially up and running! Start Free-Motion Quilting is my first class with the wonderful folks at Craftsy, and this class is perfect for you if you're just getting started with free-motion quilting, or if you've done it before and run into trouble, or if you've done it before and just haven't fallen in love with it. Trust me, my love for free-motion quilting is contagious!

Start Free-Motion Quilting with me on Craftsy!

In my class, you'll not only learn about the necessary tools of free motion quilting, but you'll also learn how to handle many of the common problems that can happen when you free motion quilt, from skipped stitched to crazy stitch lengths. I also walk you through ten different free motion quilting stitches that I come back to again and again, that can be used in many different ways, and all of which are super beginner friendly.

More from Start Free-Motion Quilting!

There are also three patterns included with the class, two pillow patterns and a baby quilt. You'll also find a great Getting Started checklist and a Troubleshooting Checklist in the class materials, to keep near your machine to help you as you're getting started free-motion quilting. Today, I want to share with you about the baby quilt pattern found in the class materials, the Superstar quilt. For the class, I sewed up a Superstar quilt in Bonnie & Camille's April Showers prints. Super light and fun, perfect for a new baby.

Superstar - The Original Version

Very sweet, right? Having played digitally with fabric choices on this pattern before making it, I knew Superstar could have an edgier, funkier look to it, so I also sewed up another one over the past week or so, using Denyse Schmidt's Ansonia and Violet Craft's Waterfront Park. Talk about a perfect match! While I love both versions of this quilt, I will definitely be looking for a great place to hang up my Denyse/Violet mash-up Superstar quilt, the colors are just totally me :) 

Superstar - The Edgy Version

Superstar - The Edgy Version - backing

Have you taken a Craftsy class before? I'm big on learning new things, so I love Craftsy. I love being able to learn about what I want to learn about, when I have time to learn it. And oh my goodness, they've got a class for everything! I just love the wide variety of classes on Craftsy, from creative photography to croissant making, from chocolate cakes to improv piecing, from dressmaking to cake decorating, they've really got it all. And now they've got me, too, and I'm so very excited to be working with them. It was a blast to put this class together and I cannot wait to hear what you think of it! To save on your Start Free Motion Quilting class registration, click here and you can start watching right away! 


  1. I just signed up for your class! I love Craftsy and have learned so much there. I have yet to be brave enough to do anything by try FMQ, even though I have enrolled in other FMQ classes. I wasn't happy on my first attempts and have been reluctant to try again. I'm hoping your class will get me over that fear! Somehow the assurance of consistent, pretty stitching using straight lines is where I have become too comfortable. I've followed your blog for a long time now and I love your style of piecing and quilting. I'll see you "in class" in a few weeks when I'll have time to focus and to try FMQ again!

  2. I took a FMQ class right before I had my daughter and it comes as no surprise to any mom that I then had NO time to practice and have since forgotten everything I learned so I am beyond thrilled for your class! Yay!

  3. Woo hoo, just signed up! So thrilled you are teaching this!

  4. Just signed up! I also have a touch of the FMQ fear!

  5. Oh how exciting! I'm going to sign up today!! I've been very fearful of taking some of the FMQ classes because they look too advanced for me. After following your blog for quite some time, I'm looking forward to your class. I'm hoping to break out of the straight line quilting rut :)

  6. I have signed up already Elizabeth, Congratulations!
    Myrto in Athens, Greece

  7. I signed up too. Like the others have said, I've been reluctant to begin FMQ. But I love the Craftsy platform and am hoping your class will get me going. As soon as I have time to take it that is :) . . . which is which is what I love best about Craftsy. The right time is no issue!

  8. Congratulations. I have fallen in love with Craftsy and all their classes, but I'm pretty partial to free-motion quilting classes. Looking forward to checking out your class.:)


  9. Must get this class! Thank you! So many FMQ sites and classes just teach you new patterns but I don't really know how to even start!

  10. Congrats on the new class! I'll have to check it out :-)


Thank you for leaving a comment for me! I appreciate each and every one of them and try to respond when time allows. Your comments totally brighten my day :)

Welcome! I'm Elizabeth, mom to a mood teen boy and a chatty six-year-old girl and I sew for my sanity. Let's get to quilting, shall we?
The Epic Sampler BOM Club kicks off Oct 1st
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