Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Just a little FMQ action...

It's been such a fun couple of days in my sewing room, because I've suddenly found myself with an abundance of quilt tops to finish, so that means a whole lotta FMQ going on! I'm not entirely sure how that happened, but it's been one of those happy accidents. I remember at one point when I was working on my book that I consciously decided to save up the quilt tops and quilt them all successively, because the free-motion quilting was my favorite part of the quilting process, and I wanted to get to do a ton of it at once. This time, I didn't really choose to do that, not consciously at least!

The line-up - Aurifil (all 50 wts) from L-R -  navy (#2735), orange (#2214), green (#5017), fuchsia (#2588), yellow (#2105), and red (#2250)

Free-motion quilting is still one of my favorite parts of the quilting process. I love the freedom I feel just stitching away, freehanding different shapes and designs in thread. While I'm a perfectionist about a lot of things, somehow I am able to check my perfectionist tendencies at the door when I'm free motioning and I just enjoy the process.

Rainbow Dance Party - quilting sneak peek

One of the other things that I love about free-motioning all of my own quilts on my home machine is working in sync with my Juki. I'm not kidding when I tell you how much I adore this machine. It may be nearly frill-less, with little to no bells or whistles, but let me tell you, this Juki knows how to get the job done. And ultimately, isn't that what we want from our sewing machines? It's such a joyful experience to get in a good groove with the Juki and just stitch away, with some good tunes and some fab thread, my favorite - Aurifil.

Sometimes the back is almost prettier than the front

I'm excited to tell you that I have some pretty big news that I'll get to share coming up later this month that has to do with free-motion quilting...and it might just rhyme with daftsy, if that were an actual make sure to stay tuned for more on that!

Some spring flowers

Question for you free motion your quilts on your home machine? Let's do a little giveaway today - you tell me about your experience with free-motioning, love it or hate it, and I'll choose a random winner to win a nice, fat spool of my favorite thread from my personal stash, Aurifil 50 wt in one of my favorite  shade of white, trusty color #2024. Ready, set, go!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Scale can totally change the look of a stitch - the micro mod clamshell


  1. I have only tried FMQ on my machine once and it wasn't pretty. I did take a class at my local sew and vac so I can rent their long arm!! Can't wait to try it out.

  2. Since nearly a year now I do FMQ on my home machine, at the beginning it was so ugly I was often tempted to rip it off lol, but Im getting better at it, and love it now

  3. I'm still a baby when it comes to FmQ..... I can do a little but I still need lots of practice! I keep trying though because I love how it looks! Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I have been learning to FMQ on my new Babylock Tiara. I have really been enjoying playing on her and want to continue to practice and upgrade my skills!

  5. I've done very little but want to be proficient at it. Most everything I finish is something I really, really like and the thought of having crappy quilting on it makes me turn to a pro to do it.

  6. I love doing FMQ on my sewing machine. I've only done a few, because I'm new to quilting, but they have turned out beautifully. It can be tiring on my arms, but very therapeutic.

  7. I enjoy it, but really could use lots of practice. I would love to be more confident.

  8. I just started fmqing and I love it! It seemed like it took forever to get the hang of it, but it's so satisfying to look at the quilt and think, "I did that!".

  9. I just started fmq and have a lot to learn. I am on a Juki.

  10. I am an anxious FMQer. I'm just ok at stippling, and I haven't tried many other designs because I'm afraid to ruin a quilt. I need to make some mini quilts to practice on.

  11. I want to love it so much but it terrifies me every time I sit down to actually do it!!! The possibilities are endless so I know I need to kick that fear!!!

  12. I've done a little fmq on smaller pieces but not on a bigger quilt. I'm doing practice sandwiches now for a piece I need to quilt. My Janome has a nice throat space and great stitch but I find I really need a continuous flat surface so I may need to buy or make a table that I can set my machine in. Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. I've done some FMQ, and while I don't hate it, I haven't loved it either. I think I just need more practice.

  14. I've made some attempts on smaller quilts. I think I don't have the right setup. I guess I need something to create a large flat surface. I'd love to be able to quilt some myself instead of sending everything out for long arm quilting. Looking forward to your surprise!!

  15. I like to FMQ too but wish I had more patience and a lot better at it.

  16. I've tried a practice quilt sandwich, and laughed and laughed at how crazy different it was than my preconceived ideas. I can see why it's your favorite part, once you get the hang of it!

  17. I am just learning FMQ and I love it. I practice on real quilt tops and dont care if I make a mistake. No one knows but me.

  18. I am honestly too scared to try. I don't know if I can put my perfectionist tendancies aside.


  19. I have only seriously started FMQing since the start of this year! Since then I have quilted one baby quilt, one large throw quilt, and one twin sized quilt! I'm really trying to up my skills after spending too many years sending everything to a pantograph quilter.

  20. I want to do FMQ so bad and I am so scared to. I will definitely try it soon though after my experience quilting with the walking foot. I love quilting a quilt myself!

  21. It is a skill that I want to learn. Fear....

  22. I free motion quilt on my home machine as well as rent long-arm once in a while. Both are totally different experience. But I am very comfortable with my home machine as long as the quilt is lap size or smaller.

    Love your FMQs.

  23. Hey, to be very honest, I have never used the FMQ on my machine, its a little scary to me. I usually just hook up my walking foot and use straight quilting lines. I will have to give it a try.

  24. I've done a little FMQ but I'm not comfortable using it on large quilts yet.

  25. Ooh, I'll be watching "rhymes with daftsy" very closely... Especially because FMQ is my favorite part, too! I adore piecing, kinda hate basting, and enjoy binding fine, but my experience with FMQ sounds like yours. From that very first quilt, that's the place where I feel like I get into a groove with my machine and just have fun!! Thanks for the opportunity. Theonlything that can make it not fun is thread issues, which I never have with Aurifil!!

  26. I have tried and done a decent job with FMQ. Had a lot of fun with it but definitely need a lot more practice!

  27. I enjoy FMQ on my home machine and I actually recently did a King size quilt that way. I have a new machine with a prett y big harp space and it makes a huge difference in what I can do. I'd like to get a little bolder with my designs and that's what I have been working on

  28. yes i FMQ on a domestic machine...well that is where i learned and now i have moved up to a APQS george...FMQ was what attracted me to quilting...i love it

  29. I've FMQ exactly once, and just on the borders of a small quilt...I wish I could say it went well or that I liked it. It was very stressful! I SO want it to be fun!

  30. So far I've only tried FMQ once, on a tiny tiny quilt. By the end it was going fairly well, but so far I've been hesitant to try again. Soon!

  31. I have been free motion quilting my quilts in sections. This seems to work better for me. As long as my thread doesn't break too much, I enjoy the process, but sometimes it seems to take so long to the finish! I wish I could solve the drag problem of the quilt. Large quilts can be difficult that way.

  32. I love it and now that I have a new to me Juki 2010q, I love it even more! I quilted 2 quilts in one month, which is amazing for me to have accomplished!

  33. I do FMQ on my home machine and have settled with a love-hate relationship with it. Working large and for long stretches of time (which I like to do) is rough on my body. If my sewing machine was set in to my table I think it would improve things.

  34. When I started quilting a couple years ago, I jumped in with FMQ on my home machine, a 10+ year old Sears Kenmore machine. The quality wasn't great, so I was thrilled with I got a Juki for Christmas this year. I've FMQed one quilt with big plans to FMQ a queen-sized quilt by the end of the month. I've only done stippling so far, but I have a couple of books and am practicing other designs. Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. I FMQ on my Janome. I am certainly not an expert but with each quilt I get a little bit better. It is hard not to be overly critical of my work though. I do enjoy it-more so on smaller projects. Larger quilts can seem to take forever sometimes.

  36. I love the idea of it, and one of the reasons I got my Janome 8900 was for the throat space so I could quilt more of my own quilts. Unfortunately I haven't done my free motion - 2 quilts in the "dogwood" style - but they ended up with rounded tips instead of pointed ones. Not bad for a first go and I was happy with how fast it went. I think I'm going to do more FMQ on the smaller quilts I give to kids charities because they are more manageable and I feel less pressure. Last year I had almost all of them long-armed because I ran out of time. This year I'll be starting earlier and hopefully quilting more of my own.

  37. I love FMQ on my home machine. I need to smooth out my curves, and even up my stitch length, but perfection is for robots, right? And there are so many designs to learn! Working on my patience, too...

  38. I haven't tried it since I failed miserably about 7 years ago when I had just picked up my love of quilting again (I originally tried it as a teen and loved it-but did hand quilting then) since then I have bee doing straight line quilting with my walking foot and am so comfortable there it has been hard to have the courage to try FMQ again.

  39. I have a Bernette and it is just too small to do large quilts. I have been getting a lot of practice done on stippling but it is very awkward for me. Organic free motion lines works for me.

  40. I am working hard on improving my FMQ and am looking forward to your new event that rhymes with daftsy!

  41. I didn't do any quilting on my machine for a few years, but I'm getting back into it, and have done a couple of quilts. I definitely need practice, so I'm looking forward to finishing up a few tops and trying out some new FMQ patterns!

  42. I've tried it... It didn't turn out well. I definitely need more practice! :)

  43. I have yet to try free motion's a bit intimidating! I hope to take the plunge sometime during 2014!

  44. I love to FMQ for much the same reasons you stated. There is something so restful and calming in swirling and looping and moving over my quilt. I got a longarm in August and feel the same way about it as I do FMQing on my Bernina. Wonderful feeling, feeling that way. Thanks.

  45. I do enjoy the pure creative feeling of fmq, but wit no needle down feature, it's a bit frustrating at times too. It's definitely not my favorite part of the process.

  46. I take forever to decide how to attack the quilting but once I decide and get start on the pattern I love doing it!

  47. I'm slowly learning FMQ and I do enjoy it a lot!

  48. I am new to quilting and haven't tried free motion quilting yet, but I'm planning on doing free motion quilting on my first BOM the month that will completed at the end of this year! : )

  49. I am in the practicing stages and haven't dared put it on a real quilt just yet. I can't wait to get to the place where I can do so with confidence. I love the look of FMQ. Thanks for the chance...I have always wanted to try Aurafil.

  50. I just bought a Juki TL2010Q, a modified version of yours, made for the home market. Quieter, updated. I love the simplicity and can't wait to actually quilt on it.

  51. i love! FMQ - so much fun to control the shapes and direction. I love finding just the right desing to fit the quilt. :)

  52. I like FMQ, the more I do it, the better I get..... Can be so creative.....

  53. Hello, I'm just a beginner at FMQing,but have the leaf+trailing vine and the hearts thing down! Love doing this! I'm using a regular domestic machine+not sure if I had one with a stitch regulator, if I'd do neater work? More practice ahead! Thanks for the giveaway!

  54. I enjoy FMQ but I really wish I was better at it! I've been thinking of making a quilt out of solids where each block features a different FMQ pattern.

  55. I love FMQ! I want to work on the pebbling though. Thanks for the giveaway!

  56. I am practicing stippling right now and it is getting better, but I am not ready for an actual quilt yet. It is very addicting, even in practicing stages!

  57. Love to FMQ on my home machine. I abhor straight line. It is so boring!!

  58. I like it more than I used to. I still believe that some quilts look better with straight-line quilting, so I tend to do a little bit of both. Like you, I feel I can check my perfectionism when I'm quilting, which makes the process a lot more fun! My motto is "It will wash out." Once the quilt is all washed and crinkly, the bobbles don't show up unless you're really looking for them!

  59. I didn't like FMQ on my domestic machine, but I have a longarm now and I love it!

  60. I generally avoid FMQ in favor of straight lines with my walking foot. I have trouble getting the right tension and stitching speed on my home machine, and I end up with a lot of eyelash stitches on the back - not good!

  61. I actually haven't tried FMQ yet. We are supposed to be FMQ our blocks using QAYG for one of my BOMs but I've been too nervous (and busy with other stuff) to start the quilting part yet.

  62. FMQ is what I do for a living so I guess I had better love it! Haven't tried Aurifil in my longarm - would love to give it a try.

  63. I'm just learning how to FMQ. It's going to take a lot of practice before I'll feel comfortable doing it on a quilt top.

  64. I have only just started FMQ, I just finished my first quilt doing loop-d-loops. I liked it, but need lots more practice. Thanks for the chance.

  65. I've only done one and had so many tension/thread break issues with it and my Janome, that I'm honestly not excited about trying again. If I had someone I could see do it in real life, I think I'd have a better sense of it.

  66. I love free motion quilting but also struggle with it.. guess i really need a class on it with my machine? the top looks great but lots of times the underside has spots that arent so good...

  67. When I FWQ on my longarm, I try to play music that will help establish a rhythm for me to quilt to - thechoice depends on the kind of FMQing the quilt tells me it needs. May be something with a very strong beat, or something smooth, or something very formal. I find my FMQing is better and easier when I "dance" with my machine!

  68. Love FMQ and Aurifil is my favorite thread

  69. So far I have only stitched in the ditch. I am squared of starting something and messing it up.

  70. I love it but my machine is smaller so it is hard to do large projects.

  71. I just did my 1st FMQ on my home machine the other day, if you call straight line sewing FMQ. I would love to try squiggly lines sometime, but I still need to purchase the special foot for my machine.

  72. I tried it once.. It came out pretty ugly.. I just don't have enough experience to do it.

  73. I love FMQ! I have to admit that the opening on my machine is not very big - only about 6.5" - but I love playing with the designing. I need to learn to just do it, and not spend so much time on the 'what would this look like' doodling. I guess it is the instinct that I need to nurture so that I can just go with my gut LOL

  74. I love to do fmq & want more free time to do it.

  75. Love Aurifil for quilting and bobbin thread. I'm trying some new negative space quilting now.

  76. tried, failed, will try again

  77. I do all my quilting on my home machine and love it. I am still waiting for someone to come out with a machine that includes a stitch regulator that costs less than a good used car!

  78. I love freemotion quilting! I always practice first by drawing the designs on paper, then a scrap piece before the actual quilt top.

  79. I love free motion quilting, although it's always a challenge to do a larger quilt. I prefer it to straight lines because the organic designs compliment the mostly geometric piecing and helps to hide any imperfections. Besides, I can't seem to quilt in a straight line for some reason. I have now 'moved up' to using my Juki TL-98 with a frame and admit that this is physically a much easier setup. For smaller projects, I still sit down at my machine and enjoy the freedom of doodling on my quilts.

  80. I love it.....not very good at it but love it. In fact I have machined through my finger once!
    I quilt on my Janome Horizon but recently bought a Sweet Sixteen which I adore.

  81. I haven't ventured beyond straight stitching yet! Yes I'm chicken :P

  82. I'm afraid to try!! Someday....

  83. I love FMQ! It's my favorite part of the process and Aurifil has quickly become my favorite thread (my machine loves it too!). Oddly I've never owned it in white, so fingers crossed!

  84. I'm learning to love FMQ on my home machine. The BSR makes it a lot easier, but it still takes practice. I love Aurifil thread and am using a big spool of white to quilt my Swoon right now.

  85. I love FMQ on my home machine! And aurifil is my very favourite!!!

    Can't wait to hear more about your surprise - daftsy!!! LOL!

  86. I am new to FMQ since Christmas when Santa brought me a Bernina 750QE to replace my 32 year old basic sewing machine. I was afraid to try FMQ at first but then I grabbed a 10 yr old UFO and held my breath and hung on. Oh my gosh. I have almost finished all my UFO's and a couple of new lap size quilts now (8 total). I love FMQ. I am learning more everyday.

  87. I'm learning but I'm starting to enjoy it. Love to use Aurifil thread!

  88. I would say I heavily like FMQ'ing on my home machine, but I don't do any super crazy designs. Stippling and straight lines are super easy for me and I want to feel comfortable into stretching out to other designs this year.

  89. Would love to try this thread, I have never used it. I love to quilt.

  90. I've done FMQ on practice sandwiches, but never on a real quilt. Hopefully with some more practice (and maybe a few tools, like an extension table for my basic machine) I'll feel more confident about tackling the real thing. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  91. I Haven't worked with FMQ much. I don't really have a sewing machine that will do FMQ. I can't drop the feet or sew w/out the foot being down or it messes up the tension. Right now I hand quilt.

  92. I am working my way into doing more FMQing. I am experimenting with the stitch regulator but frankly I do better with my moms old machine. I am doing a quilt QAyG and getting in some practice stitching. Not sure about thread and thread tension though.

  93. I love to free motion quilt I love to do swirls and stipples, some day I will get my feathers to look good

  94. I tried my hand on my regular sewing machine and hated it. But, I am going to try it on a Brother's machine soon and I hope it will be a better experience. Thank you for a chance!

  95. I do FMQ, but I don't love it. I'm not good at getting my stitches even, nor do I think I'm very clever when it comes to designs. But, those quilts are not going to quilt themselves so FMQ I must!

  96. I love FMQ on my home machine. I am inspired by all the blogs and tutorials that are available. Thanks for sharing your quilting with us.

  97. I've almost finished my first full size quilt using FMQ. At first I thought I wouldn't be able to master it but I stopped worrying about trying to make it look perfect and I have to say I'm pretty pleased with how it looks. Also used my first spool of Aurifil thread on part of it and Loved it!

  98. I do FMQ on my quilts also. I have only made 4 baby quilts so far. Quilting is a new experience for me, but I have been sewing for a long time. I am a new follower here and can't wait to visit again. You have lots and lots of great inspiration. Thank you for what you do and for the amazing work you produce.

  99. I am new to FMQ. So far I really enjoy it. I also just purchased my first Aurifil thread last night and excited to try it on a new project.

  100. I LOVE to is my favorite part of the quilt process! I started out quilting on my domestic sewing machine (a Viking with a large harp space) but found that the large quilts were so very difficult to maneuver. So, I now have a Sweet 16 to help with the FMQ'ing. Aurifil is my go-to for quilting on both machines!

  101. I love nearly every part of the quilting process. I want to do every part myself, so I'm teaching myself to FMQ. I got books, I'm taking Craftsy classes (which are awesome). And I'm
    Slowly getting better and learning to trust myself and let go of my fears of ugliness. And I'm doing it all on my trusty small Bernina 1090 domestic machine! Which is really hard sometimes with only 5" of space. I want a longarm so badly--at least a sit-down machine!

  102. I try to FMQ but I'm not too good at it. I guess I need to practice more often. I am so envious of those who do and do it well. Hugs

  103. I keep hearing good stuff about this thread, but have not yet tried it!

  104. I love free motion also. Right now stippling is my favorite past time.

  105. Your quilting is lovely! I enjoy free motion quilting on small projects. I'm intimidated by doing it on large quilts, although I have done it, with varying results. :) Thanks for the chance to win some wonderful Aurifil!

  106. I have only just started free motion was afraid to mess up. But practice, practice is my motto

  107. I have done just a bit at stores and events - I hope to learn more and become proficient at it.

  108. I wish it were my favorite parts. But, even with a longarm, while I don't hate it, I'd rather piece. I love Aurifil too - thanks so much for the give away!

  109. I'm just learning to free motion quilt. I am working through Leah Days Free Motion Fillers vol 1 right now. I'm really excited about learning and can't wait to do more!

  110. trying out this thread would be awesome!

  111. This is on my list of thing to learn this year, the thread looks amazing!

  112. I love it and now that I have my Juki it is so much easier!

  113. I decided two years ago that I was going to tackle free motion quilting. I have taken some classes thru my guild and online at Craftsy. It takes a lot of practice!! I am not perfect at it but had to let the "quilt police" go.

  114. I really enjoy FMS and find it relaxing--in small doses

  115. It's hard, specially when you can't find the right Foot! But I haven't given up! I'm gonna succeed!

  116. I quilt on my home machine and I love it! I still freeze up a little at the beginning of each project and my shoulders are always pretty sore by the end, but I still love it. :)

  117. I am just learning free motion quilting. So far I really enjoy I just have to get a lot better at it

  118. Um...haven't tried it :-/. But! I just got a new machine and hope to work on it!

  119. I am new to FMQ but so far I love it. Just finished my first table runner using a template for a pattern! Can't wait to try another one!

  120. I love it! And I just don't get to do enough of it right now. I'm sure that it misses me :-)


  121. I keep at it and am improving. Your clam shell quilting looks neat.

  122. I've made some practice sandwiches. I'm having issues with the needle skipping over nearly every stitch. Brand new needle, everything cleaned out...I'm starting to think I bought the wrong machine. Just because they say you can free motion quilt on it doesn't mean you can do it well. So annoying. LOL But like I said, I keep trying. It's probably just me. I'm hoping it's just me.

  123. I've tried it twice -- once stippling and then loopy l's. I love being able to do the quilting myself, but definitely need more practice.

  124. I've done some free motion quilting on my home machine, but I don't keep a consistent stitch length. I tend to do more echo or straight line quilting with my walking foot. I'm working on a quilt now that is my first quilt to use Aurifil 50wt for piecing and quilting. I love it!

  125. I am still learning how to free motion quilt and am uncomfortable with it. I love looking at all of the pictures of intricately designed quilting but am still just working on smooth curves and starts and stops.

  126. I loved FMQ on my domestic machine and now I love using my Gammill 18" Vision. It is all free hand and I'm really enjoying it. I love using Aurifil for FMQ. Thanks for the chance to win some awesome thread.

  127. Love FMQ but I have a lot to learn. I'm so happy to be at the point that I'm not afraid to quilt my own quilts!

  128. Your students will be happy to learn of your FMQ skills tomorrow at Inspire !

  129. I tried it once on a table runner and it really wasn't that bad but I definitely need a lot of practice. Thanks for the chance.

  130. Yes, I do my quilting on my domestic machine. I mostly do straight lines but am currently learning FMQ and my goal for this year is to improve and quilt the three tops which are waiting for me. :-)

  131. It terrifies me! As soon as I can find the time, I will take a class,

  132. I haven't found a quilty thing I don't like. I love to free motion on my domestic and my longarm.

  133. I do some FMQ on my Janome, but I'm constantly working on making my stitches consistent. I am on my third year working on quilting more of my own quilts, and I don't plan to stop any time soon. I currently only send out quilts that are too big or too special for me to attempt.

  134. I bought a Juki last November and love it. I really enjoy free motion quilting and have just started to branch out beyond the meander stitch.

  135. I've tried FMQ but really need to jump in and do more. I'm saving my #thegreatfabricdestash money for a Juki!

  136. I am a new quilter and have not tried FMQ yet....I hope to get enough confidence soon to give it a try. I have only done straight stitching. I haven't tried Aurifil threads either and would really like too. Thank you for sharing!

  137. I am still learning free motion quilting on my Bernina 750 with frustration. But I am sure I will get there one day. And I LOVE Aurifil!
    jchiagan at yahoo dot com

  138. My guild, The Pittsburgh Modern Quilt Guild, had a two part workshop on FMQ a little while ago. Since then I have been practicing but it's been tough on my Bernina 830 Record from 1985 but I'll keep plugging away!

  139. The most I've done is a meander

  140. I've really just started with FMQ, so my lines look jerky and my stitches are uneven. I'm not sure I would have even tried it without my confidence in Aurifil! It never breaks, no matter how lousy my meanders are.

  141. Yes, I love it even though I have a mid-90s quirky Viking. I have a foam earplug hot glued onto the bobbin door to keep the bobbin case from popping out all the time! A Juki is at the top of my wish list. I'd love to try Aurifil. My FMQ skills are a work in progress but luckily I am drawn to designs that tend to be forgiving.

  142. I've wanted to try it but have been nervous, so I am now taking a beginning FMQ class at a local quilt shop. While it's still a bit intimidating, I can see that with more practice and confidence, it could be really fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

  143. I have done FMQ only a few times on my basic singer, I need to practice but don't want to waste my precious fabric or my precious thread (aurifil, of course) on something that I might mess up.

  144. I have never done FMQ but hope to one day! I love the designs you come up with, those are really whimsical!

  145. LOVE FMQ!!!! love to doodle and love to quilt...FMQ great combo of my creative loves.

  146. Your machine quilting is beautiful! I am just starting to learn free motion on my Bernina and being the perfectionist I am, it is stressing me a bit. But...I WILL learn. If I can make a coat and a prom dress, I can surely learn to machine quilt. Love Aurifil thread.

  147. Just finished a FMQ class a couple of weeks ago, so I'm still a novice. So far I like it better on my old Elna than on my newer Janome. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  148. I've just bought a darning foot and hope to practice FMQ in the near future. I've only used my walking foot to do straight lines up until now.

  149. I'm going to be doing a lot more FMQing on my Janome Horizon as I just sold my Tin Lizzie longarm after owning it for 5 years and not producing much because it was in a space where it really did not fit well. I needed the bedroom space back. I enjoy FMQing a lot and have done it with some real success. I look forward to your "Craftsy" classs ;)

  150. I find FMQ quite intimidating, but I'm going to give it a try. Thanks for a chance to win.

  151. I find it very hard at times. But I keep practicing and hope one day that I will get the hang of it.

  152. I really love FMQing like you do! The ratio of smiles and giggles far outweighs the cussing and frustration I used to feel now that I've practiced quite a bit. Like you, I can keep my quest for perfection at bay and that is so freeing! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  153. I love to FMQ and use my Bernina home machine. The problem is that with work and kids I don't get to as often as I would like to and I don't have time to quilt them like I would really like to. One of these days I am going to have lots of time and really get good at feathers! That is my favorite pattern to quilt!
    cjpike (at) indiana (dot) edu

  154. When I've tried FMQ, it has not been wonderful. I need to take a class and have someone help me out. But I"d love to try again...not giving up!

  155. I like to FMQ, but sadly the only skills I've mastered are stippling and wavy lines. I really need to branch out!

  156. I'm not very good at free-motioning and tend to avoid it for that reason. I really need to practice to get better.

  157. Rosemary B here:
    Well, only about 3milion people commented before me.... :-P
    I love your free motion quilting designs, Each of them are very sweet. Well done Elizabeth.
    You are right FMQ is fun, I am not so good at it, but I try to practice when I can (parental caregiver here)
    Thank you for sharing your amazing Juki with us, and your inspiring creativity!

  158. I have never tried free motion quilting. I am afraid, but really want to give it a try... maybe on something small.

  159. I love it, albeit that there is still a whole lot more practice needed.

  160. I haven't tried FMQ yet, but I now have a darning foot and a beginners guide! Can't wait to start!

  161. I have only attempted free motion quilting a few times and the results were a disaster. I will go back to it at some point because I want to get it right but I was so frustrated the last time I tried it is a back burner for now

  162. I have never gathered enough courage to try free motion quilting, but I hope to some day. Thanks!

  163. I love doing FMQ and often take my inspiration from the fabric pattern.

  164. I am scared to death of it. I have tried it and I want to learn it but I am afraid I need a ton more practice. Maybe a new spool of thread would help lol. :) Thanks

  165. I too have a Juki and would love to be able to FMQ. I'm going to try it on my next quilt with the Aurifil thread I just bought. Wish me luck!

  166. I've only done FMQ a few times (on small things!) and I found it far too tiring to carry on - I can't doodle with a pencil and paper, never mind with a needle and fabric!

  167. I have not yet done any free motion quilting, as I am in the process of finishing up my first quilt top. I found your blog because Alex Veronelli posted about your giveaway on FB. I am liking what I see and will follow your blog for help and inspiration!

  168. I keep trying but definitely need more practice. If I don't all I will have is a lot of UFO's.

  169. I have not tried it yet...I plan on teaching my self VERY soon...I have been wanting to do it for a while. It looks super fun, and I love the idea of it, but I'm scared that I wont be able to get the machine to work right. Thanks for the chance to win. I would LOVE a spool of Aurifil to get my motivation moving!

  170. I haven't tried FMQ yet,I'm going to soon though. I just need to use my foot pedal for sewing first so I can get to the speed (I have only used the stop-start button and the speed slider untill now). You didn't say if the giveaway is open internationally or not - I'm in the UK.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  171. I only tried FMQ once and nearly ruined my quilt. Took ages to unpick so I have never tried again. I always hand quilt and find that very therapeutic. However I love Aurofil threads and use them for my piecing. Linda on

  172. My husband just bought me a Juki for my birthday and one spool of Aurifil thread! I love the Juki and the thread!! I haven't tried fmq yet, but as soon as I finish my next quilt top, I will :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  173. I have done small wall hangings on my machine and liked how they turned out. I haven't attempted anything larger yet! I do love Aurifil thread!

  174. I haven't done a lot of FMQ but so far I am liking it. Would love to try some of your favorite thread... thanks

  175. I am still afraid of fmq.... fear of not knowing where to go with it! And I broke off the thread guide after I tried it on my baby lock machine.... I forgot to lower the feed dogs! That sort of scared me... I love Aurifil thread now!

  176. I like to FMQ at home, but I still need lots of practice! I borrowed my friend's Juki and it was a DREAM to FMQ on, so now that's on my wish list. :)

  177. I want to FMQ! I have done a little, but it still scares the heck out of me! I feel the same way about my, love it!

  178. When I started quilting three years ago, a quilter from our local guild gave me the best advice, she said " just learn to free motion quilt, it is so much more fun than stitching in the ditch". So I just started quilting, I didn't know it was supposed to be difficult! I have come a long way but still so much to learn, I look forward to your "draftsy" announcement!

  179. I do not enjoy FMQ. It never lives up to my standards which to be honest aren't really that high.

  180. I am thinking of taking a class, plus I have scraps so I can practice. I plan on FMQ here soon since I have some quilts ready to be quilted. I am excited to get started!

  181. I did fmq for the very first time yesterday...very simple wavy lines with my walking foot. Next I'll try out my fm foot. :)

  182. I do love it when I get in a groove, but I'm bad at basting so I always get scared off at first.

  183. I guess I don't love it but I have done it years ago.

  184. I'm just learning how to FMQ, so far I'm enjoying it. It will be nice to say that I made my quilts completely without having to send them out for quilting!

  185. I'm in the same boat as you are. I have 9 or 10 quilt tops ready for backs, basting and quilting. I did the same thing this time last year, and it gave me tons of FMQ experience on my Juki.

  186. I love free motion quilting - I use my 1969 Singer that I got for high school graduation and it works great! I mostly do baby quilts and runners - I'm sending my son's extra-long twin out because I think it will just be too much to handle. Leah Day's site has been so helpful.

  187. My machine doesn't like to I do straight line stitching :). I'm going to try a Supreme Slider and see if that helps.

  188. I have not actually done FMQ yet, unless you call the little bit of darning I did years ago on a pair of my husband's work pants, way before I knew what FMQ was! But since I've been learning to piece quilt blocks, I have only done stitch in the ditch.

  189. I do more straight stitching than free motion. I have a faux long arm that has been on the fritz for a few years (tension issues). I need to get it back up and running so I can do some the more modern matchstick quilting, etc.

  190. I've only done a couple of small FMQ projects. Of course, I haven't done too many full-sized quilt projects (just a couple of baby quilts and a sampler for a class that I hand quilted)!

  191. I do quilting using my sewing machine, but so far, it has been all straight line stitching. As soon as I get caught up with two projects, I want to take the time to make sandwiches and practice free motion quilting. Nancy:

  192. I am a fan. Nancy:

  193. I am kinda new to Quilting...but recently FMQ (on home machine) a large Throw. Practiced on several squares , that have since become potholders! lol Definitely loving FMQ...tho scared to pieces to try it! Gettin' better at loving it now! :)

  194. I love FMQ even though it can be a trial sometimes. Right now, I am teaching myself to quilt Chrysanthemums ala Stitched in Color, on a panel quilt pattern from Noodlehead. I have never used Aurufil thread and since I have heard so many great things about it, I am tempted. It is pricey though!
    Thanks for the giveaway,
    Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows

  195. I love FMQ! Coming up with new patterns is always challenging. I've borrowed your scallop design before too!

  196. I tried FMQ but was very unhappy with the results. I don't think practice would even help me....
    You know what they say "you can't teach an old dog new tricks!!"

  197. I am trying to address my fear of FMQ. I seem to stick to stitch in the ditch. I just don't want to mess up a quilt top, but my goal this year is to make the attempt.

  198. I recently purchased a FMQ foot for my aching and have been practicing. Today, I actually did a mini quilt with swirlies and hearts....I was very pleased with the result!!

  199. Now that I can get an almost even stitch, I enjoy FMQ on my Featherweight. It took a while to not skip stitches while going around curves --until I realized I speeded up with the hands ever so slightly. I haven't done anything larger than 40 x 60 yet.


Thank you for leaving a comment for me! I appreciate each and every one of them and try to respond when time allows. Your comments totally brighten my day :)

Welcome! I'm Elizabeth, mom to a mood teen boy and a chatty six-year-old girl and I sew for my sanity. Let's get to quilting, shall we?
The Epic Sampler BOM Club kicks off Oct 1st
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