Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A tale of a pillow cover: part one

Once upon a time, there was a super fun swap called Sew Sew Modern. I watched from the sidelines for the first two rounds, and jumped in on the third round, and had a lot of fun. I made something I really loved, received something fantastic that I adore, and promptly signed up for the fourth round when sign-ups opened. Then, I got crazy busy, and lost track of the swap deadline. Fast forward to last week, and I realized I need to get the lead out and get my items made for my partner!

SewSew Modern - getting started

The good news is that my secret partner has very specific taste, so it was easy to think up something that I think she'll enjoy. For once, I feel pretty confident that she's going to like what I'm making, which is a refreshingly wonderful feeling in a swap! The next-best news is that I'm having fun making her items so far, and moving right along and should finish just in the nick of time.

SewSew Modern sip

So far, I'm working on a pillow top with a medallion design, using some Lucky Stars blocks from 2013 (the bonus block and the December block), in miniature form, in a color palette completely and utterly inspired by the movie Frozen. Ha! My sewing time has been limited to the darkness lately, so I've mostly shared the progress of this pillow top on Instagram so far, but I managed to get a few decent pictures in the daylight yesterday in between the mountains of work I've got this week.

SewSew Modern project in progress

This is going to be a hard pillow cover to give away, but I always love that feeling of giving away something that you truly love and are proud of having made, so I suppose that means that this is going to be another successful round of Sew Sew Modern for me. Next up is another border and then some quilting, and then a simple back, so I'm in the home stretch, I think! Stay tuned for a finish on this one real soon, I hope. Have a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. Absolutely beautiful! Your swap partner is going to be thrilled!

  2. Love all of the colours and patterns.

  3. Wish I was your partner!! Love!

  4. What a beautiful block! I'm sure your partner will love it!

  5. This is looking beautiful! I'm sure your swap partner will love it!

  6. love to witness the transition from block to quilt. love it! thank you for sharing.

  7. gorgeous! Love the "frozen" palette!

  8. This is going to turn out so darn beautiful! I love the colors :)

  9. I love the modern feel you have achieved with these colours, a 'happy' pillow!

  10. Elizabeth, I am folllowing the pillow blog, are you going to do a envelope back??????? I have made several pillows this week and keep getting the "gap" in the back and I leave 5 inches for over lapping. it pisses me off. You have a wonderful Tutorial section and I also want to say congratulations, I have been voting for you, and reading your articles. I cant wait for your first " fabric" design.


Thank you for leaving a comment for me! I appreciate each and every one of them and try to respond when time allows. Your comments totally brighten my day :)

Welcome! I'm Elizabeth, mom to a mood teen boy and a chatty six-year-old girl and I sew for my sanity. Let's get to quilting, shall we?
The Epic Sampler BOM Club kicks off Oct 1st
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