Monday, July 9, 2012

Twinkle twinkle

I had a lot of fun working on my second star block for Kati this weekend. Kati is working on a fabulous star sampler quilt, in grays and yellows. If you asked me a few years ago, before I fell in love with quilting, if I liked gray and yellow together, I probably would have laughed at you. And now? Head over heels. I adore these colors together, especially these golden yellows that Kati sent me to work with. I happen to be in two bees with Kati, so I got to work up two stars of my choosing for her. You saw my first star last week, and here is my second star!

Second star for Kati

I used the Florida Star block on Quilter's Cache, and I'm really happy with how it turned out. I love the way that this block looks when repeated, as demonstrated on the second page of the Quilter's Cache tutorial. I had a dreadful time, though, getting the templates to print at the correct size. It's entirely possible that it was just me, but ultimately, I had to save the templates and then open them in Photoshop to manipulate them to print correctly. After I got through that trouble, though, it was smooth sailing. This block is partly paper-pieced and partly regular pieced, and is fairly quick to put together.

Blocks for Kati

In other news, my munchkin finally seems to be kicking this virus he's been battling for the last week to the curb. I'm relieved that the munchkin is feeling better, so I can be relieved of my nurse duties for the week. He'll be heading to his first art class today, which I'm really excited about for him, since drawing is one of his big passions at the moment. Drawing, and playing dress-up. The latest addition to his dress-up box is a pirate eye patch, which he spent the weekend wearing. Fun stuff! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and have a great Monday!


  1. Oh wow! Elizabeth, this is just beautiful!
    I am with you, I am a total convert to the yellow & grey colourway, in fact a total convert to the whole grey thing.
    Glad the Pirate Munchkin is better & able to go off so you can each have some quality separate time.
    Make sure you don't do housework! LOL
    London, UK

  2. Beautiful block Elizabeth!!!

  3. very very pretty elizabeth! i love the colors. glad your little is feeling better! it's no fun to be sick!

  4. Whoa! I am loving these books :-) This quilt is going to be amazing! I'm glad your kiddo is feeling better.

  5. So in love with that colour combo! Awesome looking blocks!
    Playing pirate is always a fun way to get better =D

  6. Love both your stars, and glad the munchkin feels better :o)

  7. Yeah!! Love the second one as well!

  8. I love, love the 1st one! What a great Bee member you are :)

  9. Love your stars- and your little pirate.

  10. Such great stars ~ love the colors ~ yellow and grey always being some of my favorites (also lime green and grey).
    I was wondering the name of the first star ~ it's beautiful as well!

  11. I'm kind of obsessed with these blocks...think you could accidently send them to the wrong Katie? :)

  12. They are gorgeous! Love the colors. Gotta come up with something to do with grey and yellow next!


Thank you for leaving a comment for me! I appreciate each and every one of them and try to respond when time allows. Your comments totally brighten my day :)

Welcome! I'm Elizabeth, mom to a mood teen boy and a chatty six-year-old girl and I sew for my sanity. Let's get to quilting, shall we?
The Epic Sampler BOM Club kicks off Oct 1st
Copyright 2010 by Elizabeth Dackson. Powered by Blogger.

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